Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Bible and No Exit by Sartre

How can I connect the Bible with Sartre’s portrayal of Hell in No Exit.

The Bible which happens to be the object of my project contains facts about the real Hell. The place reserved for damned souls; a place which served as a punishment for those who did not or fail to confess their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour. Found in the real Hell is an everlating darkness and torments.

However, Sartre’s portrayal of Hell is focused on being with other people. The author considers one’s interaction with the Other and the exixtence of the Other as one’s Hell. Since we are humans, and humans are entitled to absolute freedom, this freedom often contradicts with one another. We tend to think, act, and talk in our own way, but we can never limit or dictate what other’s might think, act, and talk. The conflict between humans never cease, it just go round and round.

Hell for Sartre can be experienced here on Earth, and will forever trouble us as long as we live. However, Hell in the Bible can only be felt after death. We have to keep in mind that everyone after life comes before God, and it is because of being in God’s presence that people either suffer eternally, of experiene eternal joy. In other words, both the joy of heaven, and the torment of judgment, is caused by being eternally in the presence of the Almighty, the perfect and unchanging God. (Lamentations 3:22)

Now, will it be possible for me to experience Heaven or Hell on earth? I think that would be a little hard and impossible. I do not actually disagree with Sartre’s understanding of a possible Hell. Truly our existence and absolute freedom affects that of the Other in any way possible. It’s just that I do not accept that fact being considered as Hell. Everything here on earth including us humans and the “freedom’ we have been talking about are all planned by God. All those plans are definitely with a purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1). And I believe God will not let those things served as our Hell here on earth. The real Hell is a lot more than we think of our problems, emotions, or even experiences.They just serve merely as a challenge or test to our faith and beliefs.

Although the happiest, most memorable, most joyful and loving experiences on earth will pale into insignificance when compared with the bliss brought by the real Heaven, I believe God intends for three things NOW to be my foretaste of Heaven to come: my home, my church, and personal walk with the Lord. I consider myself being in Heaven whenever I am with my family at home. They gave me the love, comfort, peace of mind that I strongly believe no one in earth could ever surpass. My church is always next to my family. There I found true and spiritual friends with the same beliefs, desires, and habits as mine. These people are not just friends, but more like my family. And lastly, my personal relationship with God always reminds me of the things I needed to correct and retain in my life. These things will help me prepare the treasures and mansions prepared for me in Heaven.

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