Monday, September 29, 2008

Rumor has it :)

Seeing this picture from the famous teen drama, Gossip Girl, I have always been reminded of the own version of gossip girls I have in my campus.

At my age now, I do not actually or anymore have people whom I considered enemies. Rather, I would prefer them to be called as ‘annoying people’. These two annoying people are actually not related to me, not even my friends. Just enough to be my acquaintance! Why annoying then?

Both of them are just ordinary students of the same college as mine. We used to seeing each other around the college/campus for like three years now. But we never really talk seriously or that long. I’ve known both of them as jolly, clumsy, and fun people based on their actions only and their clique as well. To my surprise, one good friend of mine told me that these women see me as their enemy. For no acceptable or vivid reasons at all! Can you imagine that? Even my friend couldn’t take that idea. They just wanted to hate me merely because of the various hearsays they’ve heard about me. What an idiotic way of judging other people! To worsen the scenario, every time I am with my boyfriend or closest friends, they both act the opposite way around. They seemed so ‘caring’, ‘helpful’, and ‘friendly’. But behind me awaits their unpleasant comments. Really fake, I tell you. I guess anyone can notice that. Still above all these, all I can do is just be annoyed at them. No more, no less. I cannot hate them simply because I do not know them, or even their real personality.

Stuck in a room with them?

No freaking way! I never want to be caught in a room with the both of them. In case there are no other choices. I might accept it and just ignore them as if they were not with me. I would not intend to talk about the issue I had since they do not know that I have been aware of what they’re doing. If they try to talk to me, I’ll respond in a nice way. Ask me questions, I’ll answer them honestly. I’ll make sure to prove them wrong of their impression on me.

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