Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Bible and No Exit by Sartre

How can I connect the Bible with Sartre’s portrayal of Hell in No Exit.

The Bible which happens to be the object of my project contains facts about the real Hell. The place reserved for damned souls; a place which served as a punishment for those who did not or fail to confess their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour. Found in the real Hell is an everlating darkness and torments.

However, Sartre’s portrayal of Hell is focused on being with other people. The author considers one’s interaction with the Other and the exixtence of the Other as one’s Hell. Since we are humans, and humans are entitled to absolute freedom, this freedom often contradicts with one another. We tend to think, act, and talk in our own way, but we can never limit or dictate what other’s might think, act, and talk. The conflict between humans never cease, it just go round and round.

Hell for Sartre can be experienced here on Earth, and will forever trouble us as long as we live. However, Hell in the Bible can only be felt after death. We have to keep in mind that everyone after life comes before God, and it is because of being in God’s presence that people either suffer eternally, of experiene eternal joy. In other words, both the joy of heaven, and the torment of judgment, is caused by being eternally in the presence of the Almighty, the perfect and unchanging God. (Lamentations 3:22)

Now, will it be possible for me to experience Heaven or Hell on earth? I think that would be a little hard and impossible. I do not actually disagree with Sartre’s understanding of a possible Hell. Truly our existence and absolute freedom affects that of the Other in any way possible. It’s just that I do not accept that fact being considered as Hell. Everything here on earth including us humans and the “freedom’ we have been talking about are all planned by God. All those plans are definitely with a purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1). And I believe God will not let those things served as our Hell here on earth. The real Hell is a lot more than we think of our problems, emotions, or even experiences.They just serve merely as a challenge or test to our faith and beliefs.

Although the happiest, most memorable, most joyful and loving experiences on earth will pale into insignificance when compared with the bliss brought by the real Heaven, I believe God intends for three things NOW to be my foretaste of Heaven to come: my home, my church, and personal walk with the Lord. I consider myself being in Heaven whenever I am with my family at home. They gave me the love, comfort, peace of mind that I strongly believe no one in earth could ever surpass. My church is always next to my family. There I found true and spiritual friends with the same beliefs, desires, and habits as mine. These people are not just friends, but more like my family. And lastly, my personal relationship with God always reminds me of the things I needed to correct and retain in my life. These things will help me prepare the treasures and mansions prepared for me in Heaven.

Heaven and Hell for me (Final Paper 1)

For so long, I have been thinking of what object to present in class that would best reflect my own understanding of Heaven and Hell. I have tried making paintings and drawings to relate it to something, but it didn’t work. I’ve attempted to even look for a song, but still none satisfied me. So I decided to begin everything by describing first what I believed Heaven and Hell looks like and start asking myself if it’s possible to experience Heaven or Hell here on earth while I am still alive. And the only resource that I found best, and capable of answering all my questions is not the Internet, nor any written articles or even human-inspired books, nothing but the BIBLE.

I believed that the Bible is the only unwavering source of what the Heaven and Hell look like. This book is not just written by ordinary authors. Moreover, it has been divinely inspired by God and the Holy Spirit.Believe it or not, through the Bible, we can describe every little detail of the real Heaven and Hell.

Yes, variety of authors like Dante Alighieri, Plato, Sartre, William Blake and the others might write their own description of Heaven and Hell. Why not? There is nothing wrong with that. They are only humans, and humans are free of expressing one’s feelings and experiences in any form (e.g. song, drama, various literary forms)! But those materials will be simply based on their own opinions. Nothing more, nothing less. Now, what is the book considered to be the most selling book of all times? The book that possesses a certain “magic” that never fades throughout every generation? Still, nothing but the BIBLE.
Having studied some of the famous writers’ descriptions of Heaven or Hell, I was honestly fascinated. The ways they give color to every element found in those places were really amazing. But the fascination of mine remains as it is. It never grew nor fades. Simply because of a certain reason, I have had since I was a kid that foundation of the Heaven and Hell according to the Bible. No matter how many explanations laid out to me, the knowledge instilled to me will remain forever.

Having said all that let me define what Heaven is based on my knowledge about the Bible. Heaven!! The very word whispers peace to my soul. This word as elucidated by the Bible promises us peace, everlasting joy, and fellowship with other believers. GOD himself was the builder and maker of this place. It contains mansions solely prepared for his children (John 14:2). The whole place was furnished with gold, up to the walls down to the floors, there is gold every where. It is deemed to have 12 gates, and each of these is made of pearls. These gates will never be shut at any time for there is no night up there. Everything is wonderful; everythin is made to bring glory and honour to the King. Knowing how wonderful Heaven is, the question will be “Who shall inhabit the Heaven only?” The Bible again shows us that only those who are saved, people who have confessed their sins and accepted Christ as their Personal Saviour, are allowed to walk in the light of Heaven.

Above all the magnificence of Heaven, Hell was given color in the Bible as well. Hell is a complete opposite of Heaven. People who did not confess their sins and accept Christ as their Personal Saviour are the ones doomed in Hell. The whole place was covered with darkness, and surrounded not with gold but with a furnace of fire. (Matthew 13:42) Despite of the furnace, there will be no water to sooth the thirst of anyone. Continuous wailing and gnashing of teeth – suffering are prevalent. And immortal creatures which will augment the sufferring and will never die will be on every corner. The torment in Hell is apparently for all eternity, it will never cease.

All these are the things I have believed about Heaven and Hell. These things primarily can only be found and understood with deep appreciation of the Bible. Again, I chose this book simply because this is the only reliable source of what the real Heaven and Hell for me. And nothing or no one can ever be compared to the bliss of the real Heaven and the misery of Hell.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Look (Le Regard)

Can someone’s look really affect another?

A brief look from a person somehow affects us one way or another. The moment their eyes gaze upon us, we'll be bombarded by various thoughts. As we move, we’ll begin thinking if there’s something wrong with us, with our outfit, our hairdo, and even our smell to the extent! Some of us might even rush to the wash room just to make sure that we are fit to be seen.

How about the look of our crushes? Star idols? Campus’ heartthrobs? Campus’ basketball players? Even a glimpse will make us jump the highest cliff on earth. Admit it, what a wonderful feeling it gives us! It can even brighten our whole day.

The eyes define a person. The look defines another’s acceptance of his/her self. Most of us tend to value the look given by other people. We based our actions, outfits, hairstyle and line of thinking to others’ expression when they see us. Looks not only affects our emotions but definitely limits our freedom. Do we really want that? How come we feel sorry for the slaves in the ancient time, or the prisoners because they are not free? Not free to do what they really want, eat what they want to eat, wear what they want to wear, and say what they want to say. Haven’t we notice we are just like every time we often recognize other people’s look?

Folks, it’s not too late to change our viewpoint. It’s enough to appreciate other people’s look but don’t let them dictate us! If we keep on thinking of which, we’ll never gonna be happy and satisfied in life.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Rumor has it :)

Seeing this picture from the famous teen drama, Gossip Girl, I have always been reminded of the own version of gossip girls I have in my campus.

At my age now, I do not actually or anymore have people whom I considered enemies. Rather, I would prefer them to be called as ‘annoying people’. These two annoying people are actually not related to me, not even my friends. Just enough to be my acquaintance! Why annoying then?

Both of them are just ordinary students of the same college as mine. We used to seeing each other around the college/campus for like three years now. But we never really talk seriously or that long. I’ve known both of them as jolly, clumsy, and fun people based on their actions only and their clique as well. To my surprise, one good friend of mine told me that these women see me as their enemy. For no acceptable or vivid reasons at all! Can you imagine that? Even my friend couldn’t take that idea. They just wanted to hate me merely because of the various hearsays they’ve heard about me. What an idiotic way of judging other people! To worsen the scenario, every time I am with my boyfriend or closest friends, they both act the opposite way around. They seemed so ‘caring’, ‘helpful’, and ‘friendly’. But behind me awaits their unpleasant comments. Really fake, I tell you. I guess anyone can notice that. Still above all these, all I can do is just be annoyed at them. No more, no less. I cannot hate them simply because I do not know them, or even their real personality.

Stuck in a room with them?

No freaking way! I never want to be caught in a room with the both of them. In case there are no other choices. I might accept it and just ignore them as if they were not with me. I would not intend to talk about the issue I had since they do not know that I have been aware of what they’re doing. If they try to talk to me, I’ll respond in a nice way. Ask me questions, I’ll answer them honestly. I’ll make sure to prove them wrong of their impression on me.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Divine Comedy: What Went Wrong?

Among the other works of Dante in the Divine Comedy, Paradiso is the least read and admired by people. Why? First, people claims that Paradiso lacks the irony of Inferno; the irony of an unreliable narrator which actually creates the tension between the knowledge of the characters in Hell and ours. The tension that generates the dramatic irony familiar to modern readers like us. Dante’s view of heaven simply portrays what is in his own personal human mind. Second, the kind of narrative in Paradiso was so long, as if novels and theologian lectures, that made Beatrice more like a school teacher than a lover. The choice of words in Paradiso itself made the readers less interested to continue reading and enjoying the material. How? There was one instance that Piccarda was asked by the pilgrim if she desires to go a little higher level in Heaven, the one near to God. She answer back and explain how satisfied and happy she was to stay in that level that she could no longer ask for more. That answer may appeal to the readers that each level in Heaven seem to be very bright and perfect already, very boring indeed for some. Dante’s heaven can be considered relentlessly social for the blessed souls there took great pain in showing what a happy society they have there compared here on earth! The only achievement of Paradiso for the sake of Dante, was that he was able to create a drama out of the people passing or getting along.

Dante Alighieri's Heaven

"The Paradiso"

After being accompanied by Virgil to the Hell, Dante was then directed to the gates of Heaven by Beatrice, his former love on earth.

Dante was able to clearly see what the heavens look like through the vision of God’s Heavenly court granted upon him. This court comprises the angels, the Blessed Virgin and God Himself.

The earth for Dante can be considered as stationary and central in the universe, based from the Ptolemaic astronomy of his time. Surrounding it are the sun and moon together with the five visible planets revolving at various speeds. Each of these seven (7) Heavenly bodies has its own speher, or ‘Heaven’. Exactly beyond them is the sphere of the fixed stars and Crystalline, the ninth and the last of the material Heavens. It was given such a name because of its transparency and invisibility. For the others, they call it the Primum Mobile for its infinite speed that causes the other Heavens to take their slower motions. All these considered, there are a total of nine (9) spheres.

These spheres are basically moved by the nine orders of the angels. All these together with the Heavenly bodies have a specific spiritual significance and certain influences of human life and character. Beyond these material spheres is the Empyrean, the Heaven of God, the only real home of the angels and the redeemed souls, and the outside of time and space. As we can notice, all of the things on Heaven is in perfect state and order, with even the souls in their correctly appointed Heavens which is exactly the contrary of Dante’s picture of Hell.

Dante particularly noticed that all of the blessed are equally high in Heaven, and close to God. They just differ in the part of Eternal Inspiration they are aware of. In reality, the things seen in each sphere are not actually there, but only appears to be there because they claim that particular celestial eminence. Just like God and the angels, they appear to be human just because that is what humans expect to see. Not only the blessed are of equal value in Heaven, they are also the truest substance there, and they cannot lie anymore. They have this beauty that is unexplainable, mare greater than the beauty they possess in their past life. Their passions can be associated with the glowing flame of the Holy Spirit in which they exalt.

Just like of Dante’s explanation of Hell, the level of one’s soul on either Heaven or Hell varies upon the graveness of one’s sins for Hell, and the greatness of God for the Heaven. However, the blessed are happy in their lot, wherever in Heaven they are.

Dante Alighieri's Hell

What comes first into your mind when you hear the word ‘Hell’?

Pain? Depression? Eternal Suffering? Lucifer?

Hell was known to be a place where the wicked or unrighteous souls are punished after their death. A place of never ending pain, turmoil, chaos and wretchedness. Up to our time now, this depiction of Hell has been widely accepted.

This early and most recognized non-religious view of Hell was originally depicted by Dante Alighieri’s ‘Inferno’. Inferno was part of a set of works, known as “The Divine Comedy”; it also includes ‘Purgatorio’ and ‘Paradiso’.

Dante’s Hell can be compared to a funnel that seemingly extends its way to the center of the earth. Some say it can be found beneath the city of Jerusalem, which happens to be the center of the northern hemisphere. At the bottom of this funnel awaits the betrayer and the enemy of God, Lucifer. The said funnel is made up of nine circles; each corresponds to a different classification of sinners. The position of the circle depends upon the graveness of sins. The ones near the bottom possess the most severe sins. And the ones at the top are the lightest.

The first circle, known as Limbo includes people who were still wandering where to go after their death, either heaven of hell. The next three, Lustful, Gluttonous, Avaricious, represent people with the sins of weakness. These sins comprise of damaging things that we do to ourselves. The other three, Wrathful, Heretics, and Violent characterize the sins of malice. Sins that were intended and usually involved actions toward other people are part of these sins. The last two and the gravest, Fraudulent and Treacherous symbolize the sins of betrayal and pride. Satan, who himself guilty of these sins, serves as the epitome of all evil.

Dante's description of the Hell has been very clear and detailed up to the point where Dante even equated the people in Hell to those he knew on earth...